Creativity and scientific thinking required to leverage data and insights

Justin Flitter
4 min readOct 4, 2019

Data in a digital world

It’s no secret to businesses that data is the key differentiator for success in today’s digital world. Globally renowned brands such as Netflix, Amazon and Microsoft continue to lead the way in demonstrating the value of data-driven decision making.

However, though most businesses identify the need to be data-driven, there are many who are still on this journey of recognition. Data Insight is breaking ground in helping businesses accelerate this process, leverage the power of data and get where they should be faster and more efficiently.

Data, data everywhere and not an insight in sight

The reality is that businesses have no shortage of data, but that data only has value if it is converted into an insight that creates action. Data Insight helps businesses generate actionable insights and link data to commercial outcomes.

Whether your goal is to grow your customer base, reduce costs or make strategic business decisions to deliver customer-centricity, all the answers lie in the data. This is the type of value creation that Data Insight specialises in.

Creating value from data



Justin Flitter

CMO #SaaS | Marketing Strategy & Activation. Author of Unrivaled B2B Strategy Workbook |